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2025 Annual Appeal

For decades, the Norwich Women’s Club has raised money for our town. Those
fundraising events have provided funds to help Norwich students realize their college
and vocational school dreams through our Scholarship Program, and assisted non-
profit organizations meet their needs through our Community Projects Grant Program.


We are now onto something new. In lieu of a spring fundraiser event, we introduce IMPACT
NORWICH, our first annual fundraising appeal. We will dedicate 100% of your contribution to
support both Norwich student scholarships and community projects.


The NWC Scholarship Program is one of Vermont’s largest. We have done the following:
- Awarded over $800,000 to hundreds of Norwich students
- Made awards towards college, postgrad and vocational education


Hundreds of Community Projects have benefited from NWC fundraising. This includes:
- Rebuilding the Norwich Bandstand
- Installation of the town sign on Main Street
- Contribution to the Huntley Meadow children’s playground


Over the last decade we’ve awarded no less than $50,000 annually to Norwich
students and community projects. Here are two typical responses from recent

“When applying to colleges my senior year, I was really worried I wouldn’t be able to
afford any college at all. It is because of the Norwich Women’s scholarship that I am
able to continue my education and see a future for myself and I am so grateful for the
help.” Esther H.

“With the Women’s Club’s support, the Norwich Historical Society has mentored college
interns, digitized our photograph collection and gotten our entire collections database
online and available to the community.”  Sarah Rooker


Help us continue this important work by supporting IMPACT NORWICH.

Please make your gift today and click on the Donate button below.

Our Story

In the beginning...

Norwich, 1907. Eight women meet to “promote the cultural, charitable and social aspects of Norwich life.” They paid $0.25 and pronounced a dress code of white gloves and a hat. It was the Ladies Literary Society, and by 1910, they had 25 members! Lose the gloves and hat, up the dues, and it’s us - the Norwich Women’s Club. And we still IMPACT NORWICH.


In 1914, $100 was enough to pay for the first electric street lights in Norwich. And then, as the country went to war a couple of years later, the women of the Norwich Women’s Club threw themselves into the War Relief and Red Cross efforts. And they donated buckets for the new Fire Department too! And we continue to IMPACT NORWICH.


1930, America. Depression, hunger, misery. The Norwich Women’s Club sponsors a timely debate on the topic of, get this, “The emergence of women from the house is a regrettable feature of modern life.” The ayes had it, 24-3. Oy. Oh, and the club funded $50 for gravel for the sidewalks. And there’s the IMPACT NORWICH.

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Annual dues renewals are now due!  Our dues cycle runs June 1 to May 31.
Please click on Join, Renew or Donate and scroll to the pink Dues and Donations box. Click on that box, and you may pay online through PayPal, or use a debit or credit card.
For renewals by mail, please send a check to:
Norwich Women's Club
PO Box 191
Norwich, VT 05055
Many thanks for supporting the Norwich Women's Club and its education scholarship and community project grant programs!

Contact the NWC

Thanks for submitting!

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